The importance of getting your hair done just before your photoshoot
Believe us, we know how busy life is. It can be hard to find the time to fit in a hair appointment. But trust us, it’s an absolute must in many cases for a photoshoot.
In our almost 9 years of business, we can’t even name the number of times clients have asked us to edit the following….
fix their root colour to match the rest of their hair.
cover or edit out grey hairs.
change hair colour.
lighten or darken hair colour.
fix unstraightened hair or curls.
fix frizz or flyways.
and last but not least, to make hair longer or shorter.
The truth is, some of these are impossible to edit. The edits can make the hair/image look fake or, you are looking at thousands of dollars in editing hours to fix many of the above requests. But honestly, spend the time and money having your hair properly done by a professional hairdresser just before your photoshoot. This could be days before your shoot or, the day of your shoot. I (Anita Ashton - owner and main photographer at Mark Your Moments) prefer to have my hair done the day of my shoot as I know exactly how my hair stylist (Jasmine from Joy Hair Salon - styles my hair.
A lot of our clients have their hair done on the day of their session. They ask for a specific blowout, or style to suit their photography wishes either after a colour. a haircut or just as a styling session. Trust us, having your hair (and makeup) done the day of your shoot always reflects well in photos. A good stylist knows the products needed to keep those curls intact or what will help with frizz or flyaway hairs. We can always tell when someone has had their hair professionally done because it holds, and we see the confidence shine through in our images. You will feel great and taking those two jobs off your plate before your shoot is always a time saver, especially if you are a parent of young children. Having that “you” time can take some of the stress away from your photoshoot preparations.
So, if you’d like fresh hair for your session, reach out to your hairdresser (and/or makeup artist) to see when you can schedule your appointment and book your session with the confidence that you are prepared. Remember to leave plenty of wiggle room the day of your session for these services.
PS - The same applies to makeup. Expect high costs to edit your makeup in post edits. It’s always better to do it right the first time.
A couple of our client approved suggestions -
Hair Colour and Stylist
Joy Hair Studio
Lonsdale Quay North Vancouver
Makeup and Lashes
Urban Glo
Shipyards North Vancouver